About 2 weeks ago, Couple was scheduled to perform in Manchester. As they arrived in Stansted, en route to Manchester, their bassist got a call from Malaysia with news that his mother got admitted into ICU. Knowing this, he made a tough decision to get the next flight home. It was the right choice on his part. He made it just in time to see his mother before she passed away.
The other band members stayed and was determined to keep the show going - all they needed is a replacement bassist. I was reluctant to play for them at first. Haven't touched an actual bass in ages. Honestly, I might have been a better bassist a couple of years back.
A bassist friend in the area volunteered and saved the day. He was available to play all the big events in the Couple UK tour but could not make it for some of the smaller gigs.
So, the band asked me again and I decided to step up to the challenge. After all, it was just small gigs and would be a perfect stepping stone for me back into the world of music. Never the less, It was still thrilling and terrifying.
I've been wanting to buy a bass for quite some time, and as events unfold, I stopped procrastinating and actually bought a bass.
[Sexy lil thing. A Jackson bass with well rounded deep sounds and various tone setting]
Was scheduled to play two pub gigs in London. Had to learn eight songs for the first gig, and eight more for the next. All that in 3 days.. and it got rather confusing. They day came for us to perform, whether I was ready or not.
Personally I think I did okay on the first, but not so good for the second. Lucky for me the band and the crowd were nice and didn't go down hard on me. hehe
At the end of the day, I cherished the opportunity given...Its not every day you get to perform with such well known bands.
In the course of things, I managed to relive the joy of performing as a band, awakened the sleeping bassist inside of me, and got myself a new bass to practice with.
When the next opportunity arises, I'd be ready.