Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Extra curricular activities....

I've done a lot of extra curricular activities in my life.There are a lot of reasons one should take part in these extra curricular activities - and i don't mean just the school ones.

I'm posting this cause my sister posted a note in facebook about having to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life at a very tender age. It begins by choosing your subject in high school. From there you have to narrow down your scope further when you choose a course for uni - and it all takes place before you reach 18. A lot of people i know start reconsidering half way through the course.

Im not saying extra curricular activity solves the problem, but by joining these activities, you get to test out different job scopes. It keeps your options open... Usually when people decide not to pursue the career they studied for.. they often fall back to those things they've done through these extra curricular activities. This may include joining an animation team, going into events management or just setting up a business.

It is like falling back onto your hobbies.. but its different - hobbies can be done alone. In my definition of 'extra curricular activitiy' [ECA] it requires some sort of interaction with people. I guess im defining ECA as: a non-profit organization that any group of people can band together and set up in order to achieve certain targets or goals.

For example.. i was in a band and worked towards performing to a crowd, i was in scouts and we worked to organize events for the younger ones, I joined a marching troop to win the national tournament, I joined a group of people to organize a gig, or even something as simple as organizing a barbecue.

All of it helps in getting through the 25 years you spend preparing yourself to get a job. In fact it adds the colour to life. Cant imagine people who study hard since they were 7, day in and day out to achieve grades at school. Because doing these ECAs' actually does make you a better person. I do in fact believe that i managed to score the scholarship just on the basis that I have gotten myself involved in a lot of ECA's.

By joining in these ECA it develops organizational skills, social skills... general knowledge etc.
It develops your social skills unlike you would develop it by partying or at clubs. It gives you the capability to actually make something happen... and it gives you a sense of achievement.

I cant point out exactly what I've learnt from them, but i sure as hell wouldn't want to go through life without them.

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