Thursday, March 17, 2011

Growing an architect.

Yet another post on architecture.. well, thats just my life lately. In fact that's what i guess my life's gonna be like for a long time. Ive studied architecture for 6 years now. Its almost as long as medicine... Why should it be that long? What have i learnt through all this?

I went through 6 years of education, and yet, unlike other courses, i didn't have to memorize much. I had to tackle every design task the lecturer gave me without question. (although they did provide briefs as to what the assignments learning outcome is, i didn't bother reading it).

So now close to the end of my education, i suddenly feel like a design architect. When did this metamorphosis happen?

Year 1 - In the first year, I was thought the basics of design. Amongst many other basic design principals, i was thought of how lines, geometry and forms interact with each other, and I learnt also of the way form and colors could evoke certain emotions on everyone who interacts with it.

Then i looked at how these lines, geometry and form, could also have a function.With a function, these elements becomes objects and spaces. I learnt that objects and spaces could have relationships to one another. Which object should be placed next to the other? Which space should be within or next to another?

Year 2 - Entering my second year, I experienced how these spaces and objects, in a built form, could then interact with its surroundings. I tried my hands on a large open space project as well as a tight spaced one. How would a built object affect its surrounding and how too will the surrounding affect the built object? This interaction is part of what makes a building a piece of architecture.

Later on, I had to take that principal of interaction and apply it to a larger scale. How will a piece of architecture interact with the community, town or city? How do i encourage people to visit it? Will it bring any benefit to the community?

Year 3 - The following year, i learnt of another form of architecture. Architecture could be a space not to be in, but merely an intermediate space, a space to come and go. The architecture would then have to interact differently with its occupants.

With that much design knowledge i head out into the working world of architecture. I returned back to school after half a year for more architectural education that i didn't even realize i was getting.

Year 4 - At the start of my fourth year, I was given the opportunity to experience design with repetitive spaces. Then designing for a target group of people. With every new project, ALL of what i have mentioned as well as the ones i forgot to mention comes into play. Every project calls on new challenges.

I now know how to apply what i have learnt onto any architectural challenge. With the knowledge to design a building, i graduate with my BSc.

But architecture education isn't over yet. There are 2 more years of official architecture education to go through. Bullocks. What more can i learn? - So i thought.

Year 5 - In the fifth year of my education, i didn't design a building at all. Fair to say, i already know how to design a building... so why teach me again. The education i got thought me how to appreciate architecture. I spent a whole year learning how to appreciate materials and practiced the craftsmanship of building technology.

Year 6 - Finally on the last stretch of architecture education, I delved into the art creating beautiful spaces. While doing that i learnt to appreciate the history that goes into a piece of architecture.

Ive still got a few more months to go, but hopefully by the time i graduate with my Bachelors, i would be a better architect then i was before. With new and constantly updating appreciation for the world.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I wish i could see my design constructed

I wish i could see my design constructed. It must feel good to be able to see something that you thought of come to life. I mean like one of the most amazing feeling you could ever feel.

It was once just a figment of my imagination. I thought about how id like the the visitor of the building to feel in each transition of spaces. I would have even designed the approach to it. Each step of the way i had planned the view each visitor should see.

I nursed my design from nothing but a square box to a fully constructed entity which i had guided to be this building that i hope to be perfect.

And the feeling I would get to actually be able to go through those spaces. The feeling of success for pulling of such a master plan.

"Did it turn out as i had hoped for?"
"Did it make its occupants behave like i wanted them to?"

My grand scheme which took years in the making is right in front of my eyes.
If it became as i had wished for it to become, then that must feel really really good

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My building, my home

Throughout the 6 years involved in architecture, ive never tried designing my own house... wonder what the end product would be like.

As anyone in architecture or design know, design is not something that just materialize when you think of it. It is a process. With just a year and a half working in firms, i wouldn't say I have got plenty of actual experience. But i do think that I've had quite a bit of experience designing for studio... I know that the finish product would be far from the idea that first came to mind in terms of form and what not. They would only stay in terms of concept.

So for my own home, what would that concept be.. what would the initial brief be like.

Might be nothing special, but what would i choose to define and house my lifestyle? What is my lifestyle? Is it something that i would design according to my current needs (whenever that time wold be) or would i design it to what i want my lifestyle to be like. Since im the architect for the building, my design style would find a way to manifest itself onto the form of the building. No lecture, boss nor client to stop me and my design ego. Hopefully by then i would design more maturely.

Then again its not just gonna be my life involved in it. Ive got to consider what my girl wants as well.. will two architects make it even more complicated? Furthermore, there are functional requirements such as a workshop for myself or a pool. Perhaps a slightly larger garage to fit more cars. Study room and a library for ska.

The building i design would also have to capture natural light and air, therefore it would be highly influenced by site and surrounding.

I guess the design process is just too deep for me to even imagine what my house would be like without enough information on site, cost, brief. But i know that when the time comes, the house will be my statement to the world regarding my life, my individuality and my career.

It will set out from the very beginning to awe

... hopefully within budget