Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If she's here

I'm devastated,

My girlfriend might have to decline four top university offers just because she needs to stay in Malaysia in order to get her PR. Damn, the government is keeping my happiness away from me. I need my pursuit of happyness.

My life would be much better if she managed to get her PR before September and study here in the UK.

If she's here, i would look forward to weekends. Wouldn't mind travelling back and forth for hours just to see her. I know she would cook for me all my favourite dishes. She knows what i like. She's a terrific cook :)

If she's here, I'd have someone to speak my mind to. I wonder about the little things that people dont bother to think about. If i voice out what im thinking all the time, id just be an annoying bitch - but she listens to me passionately. I know shes not just pretending to listen because she contributes to the conversation as well. Only smart people can contribute to the conversation :)

If she's here, we would travel to all the interesting places together. She enjoys the natural world as much as i do. We could travel to the frozen north, lay down on the southern beaches, stare into the universe through the clear night sky on board a cruise ship and so much more. When where in cities, we would seek out the la sagrada familia, experience the guggenheim museum or simply enjoy the childishness of Disney Land. Because we love the same things in the world :)

If she's here, I'd take good care of her. Id make sure she gets the love and attention she needs. Lift her up when shes feeling down. Help her with her homework. Tuck her in on cold winter nights. Because shes my baby :)

If she's here, she would take good care of me. She would make sure I get the love and affection I need. Lift me up when Im feeling down. Help me with my homework. Tuck me in on cold winter nights. Because im her baby :)

When im with her its just bliss. No action nor words are needed. Simply being around her makes me happy. I've found someone who loves me for me, and I love her for her.

Although she might not be able to be with me right now, although I have to wait a couple of years before I'd be with her again, im sure the wait will be well worth it.