Monday, February 1, 2010

Time machine...when will u get here?

Did you ever do something and regretted it for the rest of your life?

I am for the greater part of my life a loner.. and i always go with the flow. Whatever life gives me, I enjoy the process of making it work for me. One thing will naturally lead to another, so i don't have much to regret about.

Never the less, this system doesn't work very well when it involves other people. I might have a pretty good IQ... but my EQ is just horrible [I even make jokes at funerals]. When it comes to people.. u cant just right the wrongs u made. You cant hack the concrete and recast it... and a bond between people cant be engineered to be as strong as stone.

But most importantly, no two people are the same. Its not as easy as replacing the broken part with something else. When its gone... its gone. It isn't as easy as using fillers to hide cracks in the wall. The emotional crack will still remain..... and it is worst of all, when u are responsible for those cracks.

Sometimes I can never realize the impact of my actions until I seen it in retrospect. But by then, the damage is done. You could do everything you can to mend the wounds and strengthen the bonds... but you can never determine the outcome.

The best you can do is to hope for the best... and learn... learn from your mistakes and never ever repeat it again. For the damage you've done, would hurt yourself twice as hard.

and leave you with an inconsolable regret...... then you'd wish u had a time machine.

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